Welcome to Star Accountancy Limited

Your Trusted Partner in Financial Management

We go to every length to offer a custom-focused, versatile service that will meet the needs of individuals as well as businesses of all shapes and sizes. Once we’ve identified your unique needs and requirements, we’ll put together a cost-effective package that will work for you.

We have the expertise and ability to review the way your company is working and advise you on the most effective approach to grow your business and preserve your wealth. Our services are flexible and responsive to the ever-changing circumstances of our client’s needs. Our small but successful practice covers a broad spectrum of business sectors which gives us a comprehensive insight into the best structure and service to support our client’s requirements.


About Star Accountancy Limited

Committed to Excellence in Financial Services

We go above and beyond to offer you the best possible value for money, without compromising on quality, of course.

Of course, we understand that putting such an important area of your business in someone else’s hands isn’t something to be taken lightly, and it’s important that you choose the right accountant. With this in mind, we offer a completely free, no-obligation consultation that will allow you to confidently make an informed decision about our services.

Payroll  &  C.I.S
Bookkeeping & Accounting
Limited Company Formations
Self employed Tax Returns
V.A.T Returns
Corporation Tax

Expert Accountants

Our team of expert accountants provide top-notch financial advice and services to optimize your financial success.

Comprehensive Accounting Solutions

We tailor comprehensive accounting solutions to meet the unique needs of individuals and businesses.

Tax Consultancy Services

Our tax consultants offer professional guidance to ensure compliance and maximize tax efficiency for our clients.

Efficient Bookkeeping Services

Our efficient bookkeeping services help businesses maintain organized financial records for better decision-making.

Contact us

Mobile: 074 35 702 892

Email: HR@StarAccount.co.uk

Address: 1 Hylton Street, Chester Road, Sunderland, Tyne & wear, England, SR4 7DU

Instagram: @Staraccountancy


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